論文出版年 | 學號 | 畢業學年度 | 姓名 | 英文姓名 | 論文 | 論文(英文) | 指導教授 | 論文永久網址 | |
2023 | 210895011 | 111 | 林家儀 | Chia-Yi Lin | 參與藝術營隊的學習歷程之研究––以北藝大夏日學校為例 | A Study of Learning Process of Arts Camp: A Case Study of Summer School Camp in Taipei National University of the Arts | 余昕晏 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/pkz22j | Thesis AHE 210895011 |
2023 | 210895015 | 111 | 徐芸 | Yun Hsu | 藝識自己:尋找教師專業認同的自我敘說 | Re-searching self through the Arts: Searching for self-narration of teacher’s professional identity | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/jdruxw | Thesis AHE 210895015 |
2023 | 210896004 | 111 | 吳有情 | Yu-Ching Wu | 創造性表藝課程教學對高中生自我表達力影響之研究 | A Study of Creative Performing Art Education on High School Students’ Self-expression | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/4szs5t | Thesis AHE 210896004 |
2023 | 210896013 | 111 | 鄒嘉蓁 | Chia-Chen Tzon | 設計思考教學融入高中生涯課程對 生涯目的感影響之研究 | The Research on the Effect of Career-oriented purpose to design-thinking teaching in career plan curriculum of high-school student | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/wgxt6p | Thesis AHE 210896013 |
2023 | 210995006 | 111 | 盛鈞 | Chun-Sheng | 高職表演藝術科學生節奏學習之行動研究 | Action Research on Rhythm Learning for Students of Performing Arts in a Vocational High School. | 陳俊文 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/cdq247 | Thesis AHE 210995006 |
2023 | 210995013 | 111 | 余思涵 | Zzu-Han Yu | 另類的動作探索: 以機器人的動作紀錄運用在創造性舞蹈教學 | The Alternative Exploration of Body Movement: Applying Robots Movement Recording to Creative Dance Teaching | 陳俊文 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/h8m37r | Thesis AHE 210995013 |
2023 | 210996005 | 111 | 柯宛均 | Wan-Chun Ko | 「舞動心流」—成人身體教育對心流經驗提升之探討 | Dancing flow On the Role of Adult Physical Education in Promoting Flow Experience | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/3xvu7a | Thesis AHE 210996005 |
2022 | 210695003 | 110 | 劉怡妏 | Yi-Wen Liu | 以一人一故事劇場作為精神疾病經驗者自我去污名之行動 | Using Playback Theater as an Empowerment Practice of Self-Destigmatization for People with Mental Illness | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/4bbcj3 | Thesis AHE 210695003 |
2022 | 210695006 | 110 | 謝德容 | Te-Jung Hsieh | 藝術教育介入長照機構之行動方案設計初探 | An Action Research on the Arts Education Program Design for a Long-Term-Care Agency | 吳玉鈴 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/c5bnxw | Thesis AHE 210695006 |
2022 | 210695008 | 110 | 林佩儀 | Pei-Yi Lin | 國中藝術領域教師對十二年國教新課綱課程認知與實施現況之研究 | A Study on Junior High School Arts Teachers’ Curriculum Cognition and Current Implementation of Arts Curriculum of 12-Year Basic Education | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/58e8d6 | Thesis AHE 210695008 |
2022 | 210695010 | 110 | 李孟潔 | Meng-Chieh Lee | 「做十六歲」:青少年的儀式劇場 | “Do Sixteen”:Youth Ritual Theatre | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/6t7kjd | Thesis AHE 2106950010 |
2022 | 210696016 | 111 | 高卉羚 | Hui-Ling Kao | 環境倫理與國中音樂課程統整之研究 | A Study of Integrating Environmental Ethics into Music Curriculums in Junior High School | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/zf8789 | Thesis AHE 210696016 |
2022 | 210696017 | 110 | 游琇媛 | Hsiu-Yuan Yu | 微化石觀察家:國立臺灣博物館《微美幻境-海洋微化石特展》教育活動設計與實踐 | Microfossil Observer: The Design and Practice of the museum educational programs of ” Microfossil:The Exquisite Beauty Under The Sea” at the National Taiwan Museum | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/x4mbx7 | Thesis AHE 210696017 |
2022 | 210795004 | 110 | 謝岱霓 | Tai-Ni Hsien | 阿美族教會歌曲傳唱教學實踐 | A Singing Teaching Practice of Amis Church Anthems | 陳俊文 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/2m8shf | Thesis AHE 210795004 |
2022 | 210795011 | 110 | 呂佩珣 | Pei-Hsun Lu | 恆春民謠歌詩發展之探究-以林鳳珠台語之美班為例 | The Research of the Lyrics’ Evolving of Hengchun Folksong: A Case Study on FENG-CHU LIN and “The Beauty of Taiwanese Lyrics “ | 余昕晏 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/xky4g6 | Thesis AHE 210795011 |
2022 | 210795015 | 110 | 葉清怡 | Ching-Yi Yeh | 《義家藝館》中的藝術家教師駐館計畫 | Artist-Teacher Residency Program in “Forging Partnerships through the Arts” | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/6fd5gq | Thesis AHE 210795015 |
2022 | 210795018 | 110 | 林祐萱 | Yu-Hsuan Lin | 即興劇課程對國中生 團隊合作、創造力影響之探討 | An Action Research of Influence of The Improvisational Theatre Course on Junior High Students Teamwork and Creativity | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/j4pv84 | Thesis AHE 210795018 |
2022 | 210895002 | 110 | 鄭婉儀 | Wan-I Cheng | 創造思考教學融入國小舞蹈課程對學生肢體動覺影響之研究:以新北市某私立小學為例 | The Effect of Using Creative Thinking Teaching in Dance Curriculum on the Elementary Students’Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence:A study of private elementary school in New Taipei City | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/jbfdtg | Thesis AHE 210895002 |
2022 | 210895003 | 110 | 謝淑玲 | Shu-Ling Hsien | 以人智學觀點探究音樂對身心障礙者之影響 - 以「社團法人臺灣藝啟生活家庭協會」音樂課程為例 | To Explore the Influence of Music on the Disabled from the Perspective of Anthroposophy The Case Study of Music course of Taiwan Social Arts for Families Association(SAFA) | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/d5g298 | Thesis AHE 210895003 |
2022 | 210895005 | 110 | 簡妡名 | Hsin-Ming Chien | 地方學融合藝術實踐與文化體驗課程 – 以社區營隊活動為例 | Knowledge of Localogy Intergrated into Curriculum of Artistic Practice and Cultural Experience – A Case of Camp Activities in Community | 余昕晏 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/apg7rg | Thesis AHE 210895005 |
2022 | 210895007 | 110 | 張婷翔 | Ting-Hsiang Chang | 藝同找自己:藝術教育應用於國中學習障礙者自我探索 | Exploring through the Art: Art Education for a Junior High School Student with Learning Disabilities as a Means of Self-exploration | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/6368bf | Thesis AHE 210895007 |
2022 | 210895010 | 110 | 陳亞馨 | Ya-Hsin Chen | 身體的程式設計:肢體活動融入運算思維課程之STEAM教學 | The Body Programming: A STEAM Pedagogy Integrating Physical Activity into Computational Thinking | 陳俊文 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/76nawy | Thesis AHE 210895010 |
2022 | 210895016 | 110 | 胡東辰 | Dong-Chen Hu | 李瑞林東北秧歌教學體系之研究 | Research on Li Ruilin’s Northeast Yangko Teaching System | 林劭仁/ 王筑筠 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/fr9b47 | Thesis AHE 210895016 |
2022 | 210896001 | 110 | 謝均平 | Jun-Ping Hsieh | 藝展長才:展覽增能課程之設計與實踐 | Design and Practice of The Empowerment Curriculum in Art Curating Education | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/u7cf8h | Thesis AHE 210896001 |
2022 | 210896016 | 110 | 楊尉筠 | Wei-Yun Yang | 創造性舞蹈融入性別議題對國中生性別角色態度之研究 | The Research on Creative Dance with Gender Issue to Gender Roles Attitudes of Junior High School Students | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/u2ejtu | Thesis AHE 210896016 |
2022 | 210996001 | 111 | 廖唯琇 | Wei-Hsin Liao | 插畫融入青少年社會情緒學習之研究 | A Study on the Integration of Illustrations Lessons into Adolescents’ Social and Emotional Learning | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/22fm8h | Thesis AHE 210996001 |
2022 | 210996011 | 111 | 張瑜恩 | Yu-En Chang | 戲劇教學融入綜合活動課程對學生人際智能之影響 | The Effects of Drama Teaching into the Integrative Activities Course on Students’ Interpersonal Intelligence | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/39j978 | Thesis AHE 210996011 |
2022 | 210996014 | 110 | 詹宛錚 | Wan-Zheng Zhan | 新北市國小太鼓教學實施現況及學習成效之研究 | A Study on the Current Status of Taiko Teaching and Learning Effectivenessin Elementary Schools in New Taipei City | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/96h5f7 | Thesis AHE 210996014 |
2021 | 210396010 | 109 | 黃文冠 | Wen-Kuan Huang | 劇本教學提升學生性別議題認知之研究 | To Promoting Student Gender Issues Cognition With Script Teaching | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/d22be3 | Thesis AHE 210396010 |
2021 | 210495014 | 109 | 謝宜蓁 | I-Chen Hsieh | 一起來玩故事:以故事說演實踐關係取向的教育 | Let’s Play Stories: Practicing Relational Approach to Education through Storytelling and Story Acting | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/g69yr3 | Thesis AHE 210495014 |
2021 | 210596006 | 109 | 莊孟勳 | Meng-Hsun Chuang | 嘻哈課程對高職表演藝術科學生文化智商影響之研究 | Research on The Influence of Hip-Hop Curriculum on Cultural Intelligence of Performing Arts Students in Vocational High School | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/n3wqhd | Thesis AHE 210596006 |
2021 | 210695001 | 109 | 李維傑 | Wei-Chieh Lee | 運用設計思考的藝術創客教育: 國中視覺藝術課程之實踐 | Arts Maker Education with Design Thinking: Practice of a Visual Art Course in Junior High School | 陳俊文 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/5pu767 | Thesis AHE 210695001 |
2021 | 210695004 | 109 | 許筠 | Yun Hsu | 場邊的細語:參與式藝術計畫與美術館觀眾詮釋 | Whisper Beside Artworks: A Case Study of Participatory Art and the Interpretation of Art Museum Audience | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/ntqw9n | Thesis AHE 210695004 |
2021 | 210695011 | 109 | 莊聖玄 | Sheng-Hsuan Chuang | 信念的萬華鏡:以凱利庫存方格技術晤談法萃取領導社區管樂團之管樂團指導者的教學信念 | The Kaleidoscope of Teaching Belief: Extracting Band Directors’ Teaching Belief via Kelly’s Repertory Grid Technique—Community/Civic Band as Research Area | 余昕晏 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/6nf6cs | Thesis AHE 2106950011 |
2021 | 210695012 | 109 | 張嘉洳 | Chia-Ju Chang | 建構華德福水墨書畫藝術課程之行動研究 | An Action Research on Calligraphy and Ink Wash Painting Art Course in the Waldorf Education | 吳玉鈴 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/39ke86 | Thesis AHE 2106950012 |
2021 | 210695017 | 109 | 吳智威 | Zhi-Wei Wu | 嚴禁塗鴉:塗鴉行動在城市公共空間中的歷程與省思 | No graffiti : The course and reflection of graffiti in urban public space | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/8fk48a | Thesis AHE 2106950017 |
2021 | 210696014 | 109 | 陳品如 | Pin-Ru Chen | 樂齡舞越:樂齡族群藝術統合課程之探究 | Transcendance of the Senior Citizens:A Study of the Arts Integration Courses for the Elderly | 容淑華/ 邱少頤 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/n29y93 | Thesis AHE 210696014 |
2021 | 210795002 | 109 | 江貞儀 | Jnen-YI Jiang | 探究多元感官視覺藝術創作對潛能開發班兒童學習表現之影響 | Exploring the Influence of Multi-Sensory Visual Arts Creation on Children’s Learning Performance in the Potential-Developing Class | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/a3bhd6 | Thesis AHE 210795002 |
2021 | 210795005 | 109 | 陳柏宇 | Bo-Yu Chen | 戲遊美術館:博物館劇場在美術館之實踐方案 | MUSE Pedagogy:Connecting Museum Theatre with Art Museums | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/5yj853 | Thesis AHE 210795005 |
2021 | 210795012 | 109 | 盧子涵 | Tzu-Han Lu | 藝能世代:具永續發展目標之綠能藝術課程 | Artenergy Generation: Green energy art courses with sustainable development goals | 陳俊文 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/t57j75 | Thesis AHE 210795012 |
2021 | 210795017 | 110 | 吳欣庭 | Hsin-Ting Wu | 青少年舞蹈生涯發展與自我認同之研究-以桃園市舞蹈才能班為例 | A Preliminary Study on the Career Development and Self-Identities of Adolescents:Dance Talented Classes in Tao-Yuan City As an Example | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/e26vsx | Thesis AHE 210795017 |
2021 | 210796002 | 109 | 孫鈺琇 | Yu-Siou Sun | 學思達教學法對學生美感素養影響之研究─ 以視覺藝術課程為例 | A Study on the Effects of Share-Start Teaching Method on Students’ Aesthetic Literacy —A Case of Visual Arts Curriculum | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/w536uy | Thesis AHE 210796002 |
2021 | 210796007 | 109 | 張槿澍 (張玉芳) | Jin-Shu Jhang | 茗韻拼圖:臺灣烏龍茶文化體驗課程在國小的實踐 | Piecing Together the Image of Taiwanese Oolong Tea: A Culture Experiential Curriculum of Taiwanese Oolong Tea in Elementary School | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/dpekj8 | Thesis AHE 210796007 |
2021 | 210796009 | 109 | 周士弘 | Shin-Hong Chou | 實境遊戲導入高中社區取向藝術教育之研究: 以大稻埕為例 | Research on Introducing Reality Games into Community–Based Arts Education in High School: A Case Study from Dadaocheng. | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/qb5r6s | Thesis AHE 210796009 |
2021 | 210796010 | 109 | 洪詩芸 | Shin-Yun Hung | 達克羅士教學法融入國小歌唱教學之研究 | A Study of the Singing Teaching Applying Dalcroze Eurhythmics to Elementary School | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/7sx44x | Thesis AHE 210796010 |
2021 | 210796012 | 109 | 張婷雅 | Ting-Ya Chang | 環境意識與創意自信的建構:運用設計思考的視覺藝術課程實踐 | The Construction of Environmental Awareness and Creative Confidence: Visual Art Curriculum Practice with Design Thinking | 陳俊文 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/f9vgvq | Thesis AHE 210796012 |
2021 | 210796016 | 109 | 王奕分 | Yi-Fen Wang | 紙上花園:開啟自我覺察的藝術教育實踐 | The Blooming Garden:An Art Education Practice of Self-awareness through Mandala | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/r8q7a9 | Thesis AHE 210796016 |
2021 | 210895009 | 109 | 王子翎 | Tzu-Ling Wang | 藝星之旅:特教班學生的美術館之旅 | Traveling to a planet of art: How to conduct a field trip to an art museum for students with special needs | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/9nq44s | Thesis AHE 210895009 |
2021 | 210896011 | 109 | 葉庭甫 | Ting-Fu Yeh | 故事戲劇化對國中生閱讀理解影響之研究: 以古典小說《紅樓夢》文本為例 | The Research of Story Drama Approaches Into Reading Instruction on Reading Comprehension of Junior High School Students: A Case of Dream of the Red Chamber | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/768j5a | Thesis AHE 210896011 |
2020 | 210395001 | 109 | 李仁甫 | Jen-Fu Lee | 笛我之間:一位木笛吹奏者的音樂教育自我實踐 | Between the Recorder and Me: A Recorder Player’s Self-Practice in Music Education. | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/77zke4 | Thesis AHE 210395001 |
2020 | 210395016 | 108 | 戴培珊 | Pei-Shan Dai | 學校建築設計對兒童空間概念與視覺認知影響之研究 | A Study on Architectural Design of School Make Influence on Children’s Spatial Concepts and Visual Perception | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/pf8f2b | Thesis AHE 210395016 |
2020 | 210396012 | 108 | 王乃慶 | Ning-Ching Wang | 達克羅士教學法運用於節奏教學之研究-以電低音吉他為例 | The Application of Dalcroze Eurhythmics on Rhythm Teaching-Take Electric Bass Guitar as an Example | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/3y2rug | Thesis AHE 210396012 |
2020 | 210495011 | 108 | 許玄淳 | Hsuan-Chun Hsu | 舊相機新故事:藝術教育進入育幼院的意義與轉變 | New story of old camera:The significance and transformation of art education to orphanages | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/859xwj | Thesis AHE 210495011 |
2020 | 210495015 | 108 | 杜宜芸 | I-Yun Tu | 北管融合奧福教學法之創新教學-以新北市平國小音樂社團教學為例 | Innovative Teaching by the Integration of Beiguan and Orff-Schulwerk – Taking Music Club of Ping Elementary School in New Taipei City as an Example | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/852zce | Thesis AHE 210495015 |
2020 | 210496002 | 108 | 張傅凱 | Fu-Kai Chang | 性別平等教育融入國中表演藝術課程之行動研究 | An Action Research On Gender Equality Education into Performing Arts Program at a Junior High School | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/hw9244 | Thesis AHE 210496002 |
2020 | 210496008 | 108 | 賴欣倫 | Hsing-Lun Lai | 表演實習與製作課程促進高級中學舞蹈藝才班學生自我認知之行動研究 | An Action Research on Activating the Self-Cognition of Students in Dance Class for Artistically Gifted Students Through Dance Production Course | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/z3766y | Thesis AHE 210496008 |
2020 | 210595002 | 108 | 謝昱萱 | Yu-Hsuan Hsieh | 以社區節慶為基礎推動地方創生之研究-以鬧熱關渡節為例 | A Study on Regional Revitalization based on Community Festivals | 余昕晏 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/8x23z4 | Thesis AHE 210595002 |
2020 | 210595003 | 108 | 魏怡珍 | Yi-Chen Wei | 禪繞畫課程對成人空間智慧與內省智慧影響之研究 | Research on the Influence of Zentangle Course on Adult spatial intelligence and intrapersonal intelligence | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/4d2w46 | Thesis AHE 210595003 |
2020 | 210595008 | 108 | 戴為芳 | Wei-Fang Dai | 藝術教育作為社區經濟弱勢兒少增能方案之行動探究 | An Action Research on The Arts Education as The Approach to Empower The Children and Youth of Community Low-Income Family | 吳玉鈴 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/p7ck4p | Thesis AHE 210595008 |
2020 | 210595017 | 108 | 陳琳琳 | Lin-Lin Chen | 跨藝合創音樂學士學位學程學生音樂偏好與創作關聯之個案研究 | A Case Study on Music Preference and Composition of IMPACT Students | 余昕晏 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/e77ukt | Thesis AHE 210595017 |
2020 | 210596011 | 108 | 杜鈞瑄 | Jyun-Syuan Du | 從藝術鑑賞與日記畫之關係探討幼兒美感教育 | Discussion on aesthetic education of children through the relationship between art appreciation and visual diary | 余昕晏 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/5vsywh | Thesis AHE 2105960011 |
2020 | 210695002 | 108 | 邱宇晴 | Yu-Ching Chiu | 與壞情緒對「畫」:以負向情緒處理為題的兒童情緒教育共創繪本 | A Reader-Engaged Children’ s Book Focusing on Coping with Negative Emotions | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/8r9et9 | Thesis AHE 210695002 |
2020 | 210695007 | 109 | 陳品云 | Pin-Yun Chen | 「舞」逆完美女孩:教育性舞蹈共創計畫 | Dancing against Perfection: A Pedagogical Project with High School Girls | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/t84m25 | Thesis AHE 210695007 |
2020 | 210695018 | 108 | 蔡宜婷 | Yi-Ting Tsai | 資訊科技融入表演藝術教學之研究-以即興創作課程為例 | A study on using information technology into performance arts teaching:Take improvisation course as an example | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/eafhhf | Thesis AHE 2106950018 |
2020 | 210696002 | 108 | 李盈萱 | Ying-Hsuan Lee | 數位音樂創作應用專題導向式學習之研究 | A Study on Applying Project-based Learning to Digital Music Composition | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/a793ay | Thesis AHE 210696002 |
2020 | 210696003 | 108 | 張凱琪 | Kai-Chi Chang | 「教師」先「入」位了,才有「戲」-- 探究表演元素對教師入戲之影響 | A Study on The Influence of Performance Elements to Teacher-in-Role | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/74kb93 | Thesis AHE 210696003 |
2020 | 210696005 | 108 | 柯蓉燕 | Jung-Yen Ko | 創作性戲劇融入國中英語口說教學之研究 | Applying Creative Drama to English Speaking Teaching in One Junior High School | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/kznq8y | Thesis AHE 210696005 |
2020 | 210696010 | 108 | 徐敏華 | Min-Hua Hsu | 探討運用GarageBand進行音樂創造力教學之研究 | A Study of Applying GarageBand to Music Creativity Instruction | 余昕晏 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/yr235w | Thesis AHE 210696010 |
2020 | 210795003 | 108 | 林佳文 | Chia-Wen Lin | 越過青春的鐵柵:非行少年藉戲劇活動的對話行動 | Beyond the Bars of Youth: The Dialogical Action of Juvenile Delinquents with Drama Activities | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/92xzb5 | Thesis AHE 210795003 |
2020 | 210795013 | 108 | 盧佩萱 | Pei-Hsuan Lu | 臺北市高中STEAM教育、音樂與科技跨域整合之研究 | A Study on STEAM Education and the Integration of Music and Technology Interdisciplinary Learning | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/wmm6s4 | Thesis AHE 210795013 |
2020 | 210796008 | 108 | 周嘉千 | Chia-Chien Chou | 藝術統合教學法對自閉症學生溝通行為之影響 | The Effect of Arts Integration Teaching Method on Communication Behavior of Autistic Students | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/yarm2s | Thesis AHE 210796008 |
2019 | 210495008 | 106 | 鍾沂珊 | Yi-Shan Chung | 專家衣缽教學法對高職特教班學生學習動機影響之研究 | The Study of the Effects Using the Mantle of the Expert Approach on Learning Motivation of Students with Intellectual Disability in Vocational High School | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/5ndhsr | Thesis AHE 210495008 |
2019 | 210495017 | 107 | 譚賽羅娜 | Sai-Luo-Na Tan | 以梵谷作品為例探討視覺思維在兒童繪畫與鑒賞教學中的運用 | Study on the Application of Visual Thinking in Children’s Painting and Appreciation Teaching, Taking the Works of Van Gogh as an Example | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/d7988e | Thesis AHE 210495017 |
2019 | 210496001 | 107 | 劉岱姈 | Liu,Tai-Ling | 運用行動學習於國中台灣歌謠音樂再現課程 | Using Mobile Learning on Reproduction of Taiwan Folk Songs for Junior High School Curriculum | 余昕晏 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/7qncvg | Thesis AHE 210496001 |
2019 | 210496003 | 107 | 洪健祐 | Chien-Yu Hung | 以創造性戲劇策略引導音樂劇學習之探究 | Exploring the Study of Musical Through Creative Drama Strategy | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/2p6xgh | Thesis AHE 210496003 |
2019 | 210496011 | 107 | 蔡政宏 | Jheng-Hong Cai | 馬蘭阿美族歌舞文化實踐對文化認同影響-以杵音文化藝術團「趣,書中田」劇場為例 | A Study on the Relationship between Malan Amis Cultural Performance and Cultural Identity-Chuyin”Ata,Taila kita i O’mah”Theatre as an Example | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/68bn94 | Thesis AHE 210496011 |
2019 | 210496013 | 107 | 皮業榮 | Yea-jong Pi | 戰爭藝術之研究 | A Study on the Art of War | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/g9hkj7 | Thesis AHE 210496013 |
2019 | 210496015 | 107 | 黃以心 | Yi-Hsin Huang | 探討參與搖滾樂團方案影響青少年復原力之研究- 以台北市某國中為例 | A Study of the Influence of the Rock Band Program on the Resilience of Teenagers-A Case Study of a Junior High School in Taipei | 余昕晏 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/gx39gh | Thesis AHE 210496015 |
2019 | 210595006 | 107 | 李特恩 | Te-En Li | 身體主體性回歸:高中生在生態空間中的存有覺察 | The Return of Corporeal Subjectivity: Senior High School Students’ Awareness of Being in the Ecological Space | 容淑華/ 邱少頤 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/y8np2h | Thesis AHE 210595006 |
2019 | 210595010 | 107 | 陳品亘 | Pin-Hsuan Chen | 以音景為本的創作與教學實踐經驗探究 | A Study of the Teaching Practice based on Soundscape-based art making | 吳玉鈴 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/cc6r9p | Thesis AHE 210595010 |
2019 | 210595011 | 108 | 汪蒔雅 | Shin-Ya Wang | 十二年國教藝術領域舞蹈素養之研究:以臺中市國中表演藝術為例 | A Study on the Competencies of Dance Education in the Art Field of 12- Year Basic Education: A Case of Performing Arts in Taichung City | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/24s87a | Thesis AHE 210595011 |
2019 | 210595012 | 107 | 李玟婕 | Wen-Chieh Lee | 青少年Cosplay次文化接受度之研究 | Research on the Acceptance of the Teen Cosplay Subculture | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/593x5t | Thesis AHE 210595012 |
2019 | 210595018 | 107 | 施以真 | Yi-Chen Shih | 傳統武術作為身體教育之個案研究 | A Case Study on Traditional Wushu as a Somatic Education | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/r48z24 | Thesis AHE 210595018 |
2019 | 210595019 | 107 | 陳冠臻 | Chen-Kuan Chen | 藝術展演作為一種性別議題的倡導方法:以《拾蒂》為例 | Advocating Gender Issues through the Arts:A Case Study of Shi-D | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/7t5zfg | Thesis AHE 210595019 |
2019 | 210596002 | 107 | 張毓紋 | Yu-Wen Chang, | 創作性戲劇融入音樂創作課程之行動研究 | An Action Research on Applying Creative Drama into Music Creating Curriculum | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/e9sr8z | Thesis AHE 210596002 |
2019 | 210596003 | 107 | 陳玫妢 | Mei-Fen Chen | 在藝術裡與自己相遇:敘說探究視覺藝術教師經驗的反思 | Encountering with inner self in art:The Reflection Narrative Inquiry of the Experience of a Visual Arts Teacher | 余昕晏 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/pn5czz | Thesis AHE 210596003 |
2019 | 210596004 | 107 | 徐子晴 | Tzu-Ching Hsu | 透過創造性舞蹈課程探討領導才能發展之行動研究-以北部某國中舞蹈班為例 | The Action Research of Developing Leadership in Creative Dance Teaching-A case of Dancing Class of Junior High Schools in Northen Area in Taiwan. | 余昕晏 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/yugdh6 | Thesis AHE 210596004 |
2019 | 210596005 | 107 | 張綺真 | Chi-Jen Chang | 探究國中社團故事說演服務學習:[紙芝居行動故事劇場]進入社區幼兒園之服務為例 | Exploration of Using Storytelling and Acting as SERVICE-LEARNING For Junior High School Club: A Case study of “Mobile Kamishibai Storytelling Theater” Entering Community kindergarten | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/hnp9n7 | Thesis AHE 210596005 |
2019 | 210596007 | 107 | 張繻丹 | Hsu-Tan Chang | Be the One: 性霸凌防治融入藝術課程 | Be the One:Art Curriculum Integrated with the Sexual Bully Prevention Program | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/tp655e | Thesis AHE 210596007 |
2019 | 210596008 | 108 | 李嘉偉 | Chia-Wei Lee | 身體感知運用於特殊兒童人際關係之研究:以唐氏症孩童為例 | The Research on Applying Physical Sensation Exercises to Enhance the Interpersonal Relationship of Exceptional Children: A Case Study on Down’s Child | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/zn4yd6 | Thesis AHE 210596008 |
2019 | 210596009 | 107 | 黃羽萱 | Yu-Shuan Huang | 剪紙比賽對國小教師剪紙教學之影響 | The Influence of Paper-cut Contests on the Teaching of Paper-cut for Elementary School Teachers | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/63mvtf | Thesis AHE 210596009 |
2019 | 210696006 | 107 | 吳若盈 | Jo-Ying Wu | 數位學習與遊戲融入音樂課程之研究—以桃園市某國中為例 | The Study of Integrating Digital Learning and Games into Music Courses-A Case of the Junior High School of Taoyuan City. | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/ryudfn | Thesis AHE 210696006 |
2018 | 210295004 | 106 | 羅丰廷 | Feng-Ting Lo | 戲劇遊戲融入國中表演藝術課程之研究 | A Research on Implementing Dramatic Play in Performing Arts Course in Junior High School | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/tfb88g | Thesis AHE 210295004 |
2018 | 210395007 | 106 | 施如瑄 | Ju-Hsuan Shih | 話畫/畫話:在參與式藝術中學習人人關係 | Talk Paintings / Paint Talks: Learning One-One Relationship in Participatory Art | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/6rhek2 | Thesis AHE 210395007 |
2018 | 210395011 | 107 | 李適仲 | Shih-Chung Lee | 音樂劇實作運用於國中表演藝術課程之學習成效研究 | A Research on the Learning Effectiveness of Musical Theatre Applied in Performing Arts Curriculum in Junior High School | 閆自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/yek99f | Thesis AHE 210395011 |
2018 | 210395012 | 106 | 楊馥毓 | Fu-Yu Yang | 戲劇策略融入綜合活動學習領域對國中生人際關係影響之研究 | The Influence of Drama Strategies Using in the Integrative Activities Learning Area toward Interpersonal Relationship of Junior High School Students | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/6g9z38 | Thesis AHE 210395012 |
2018 | 210395015 | 106 | 黃南婷 | Nan-Ting Huang | 玩出溝通力:戲劇策略的教學實踐 | The Teaching Practice of Dramatic Strategies to Promote Interpersonal Communication Ability | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/gzd9zv | Thesis AHE 210395015 |
2018 | 210395018 | 106 | 陳彥伃 | Yan-Yu Chen | 壁耀淡水景與色:社區本位藝術教育之課程與實踐 | Tamsui Scenery on the wall: A Community-based Art Education Curriculum for Youth | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/mp5463 | Thesis AHE 210395018 |
2018 | 210396003 | 106 | 廖健茗 | Chien-Ming Liao | 運用藝術課程進行國小師生協同策展之話語權研究 | A Study of an Art Curriculum on the Power of Discourse in Co-Curating with Elementary School Students | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/3285tz | Thesis AHE 210396003 |
2018 | 210396005 | 106 | 黃禾筠 | Ho-Yun Huang | 漫畫「議」同看:漫畫融入國中視覺識讀課程教學實踐 | Re-reading “One Piece”:AVisual Literacy Curriculum on Comics in Junior High School | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/nyu8h2 | Thesis AHE 210396005 |
2018 | 210396007 | 106 | 李如鵬 | Ju-Peng Lee | 爵士鼓演奏藝術家陳慧明老師教學方法之研究 | The Study of Played Artists Jeffrey Chen‘s Drum Set Teaching Methods | 余昕晏 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/a26yz6 | Thesis AHE 210396007 |
2018 | 210495003 | 106 | 錢苾先 | Pi-Shien Chien | 國中歌仔戲創意教學的實踐與反思:以獲獎教案「留傘蹓歌仔」課程為例 | Practice of Reflection on Creative Teaching in Taiwanese Opera in Junior High School: A Case of the Award-winning Lesson Plan “Liu-San-Liu-Ke-Tzu” | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/4u5gd6 | Thesis AHE 210495003 |
2018 | 210495004 | 106 | 施尚汶 | Shang-Wen Shi | 《校園地圖故事集》集體創作方案在國小資源班社會技巧課的應用 | Application of Cooperation Art-Making Program in Social Skills Training for Elementary School Resource Class Students | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/vtr2n2 | Thesis AHE 210495004 |
2018 | 210495010 | 106 | 游雅茜 | Ya-Chien Yu | 當藝術成為教學的媒介:一位藝術與人文教師的實踐與反思 | When Art Becomes the Medium of Teaching and Learning :The Practice and Reflection of an Art teacher | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/pxzdgy | Thesis AHE 210495010 |
2018 | 210495013 | 106 | 韓佳陵 | Chia-Ling Han | 藝術統合教學融入國小潛能開發班語文表達之研究 | Study on Arts Integration Teaching Method Integrated into the Language Expression in Potentiality Class | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/qk3nhm | Thesis AHE 210495013 |
2018 | 210495018 | 106 | 沈怡君 | Yi-Chun Shen | 鳳甲美術館館校合作與學習經驗之研究:以「北投藝群人」為個案 | Museum-School Collaboration and Learning Experiences of The Hong-Gah Museum: A Case Study of the ‘Arts Together In Beitou’ Program | 陳佳利/ 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/9fs975 | Thesis AHE 210495018 |
2018 | 210496010 | 106 | 尤幹尤勞 | Yu-law Yukan | 文慶埔路:社區本位藝術教育課程設計與實踐 | Wen Qing Pu Road:The Study of Community-Based Art Education Curriculum Design and Practice | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/vb8nn2 | Thesis AHE 210496010 |
2018 | 210595004 | 106 | 陳鈺婷 | Yu-Ting Chen | 從幼兒園藝術創作教學探討幼兒的美感經驗 | A Study of Child Aesthetic Experiences based on Art Creation Teaching in Kindergarten | 廖仁義/ 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/hb3zw5 | Thesis AHE 210595004 |
2018 | 210596001 | 107 | 江之潔 | Chih-Chieh Chiang | 青少年學習「史氏體系」體驗元素之行動研究 | Action Research on Adolescents’ Learning of Experiencing Elements in Stanislavski’s System | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/xh8wjk | Thesis AHE 210596001 |
2017 | 29995017 | 105 | 陳曉雰 | Chen,Hsiao-Fen | 詩詞融入表演藝術課程對學生學習成效影響之研究–以國中七年級為例 | A Study on the Learning Efficiency for Instilling Poetry into Performing Arts Curriculum: The Case of Seventh Graders in the Junior High School | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/6y36bm | Thesis AHE 29995017 |
2017 | 210295002 | 104 | 蔡秉秀 | Ping-Hsiu Tsai | 從後設認知觀點探討中學生學習法國號吹奏之學習歷程 | A Study of High School Students’ French Horn Performing and Learning Process in Metacognition Points of View | 余昕晏 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/75dhnf | Thesis AHE 210295002 |
2017 | 210295011 | 105 | 何嘉薇 | Chia-Wei Ho | 探討打擊樂教師教學鷹架策略 | A Study for Scaffolding Strategies of Percussion Teacher | 余昕晏 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/bkd46k | Thesis AHE 210295011 |
2017 | 210295014 | 105 | 梁孝佩 | Xiao-Pei Liang | 環境教育融入國中視覺藝術課程之行動研究 | An Action Research of Environmental Education Integrated into Visual Arts Curriculum in Junior High School | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/68b6j3 | Thesis AHE 210295014 |
2017 | 210395003 | 106 | 劉子寧 | Tzu-Ning Liu | 藝啟來我家・Ulay: 服務學習作為藝術浸潤社區的實踐 | Service-Learning as Arts Infiltrate Community Practice | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/2c7ag7 | Thesis AHE 210395003 |
2017 | 210395004 | 105 | 張書婷 | Shu-Ting Jhang | 舊館新風景:臺北市立美術館兒童藝術教育中心教育性策展之初探 | A New Addition to the Taipei Fine Arts Museum: A Preliminary Study of Educational Curation in TFAM Children”s Art Education Center | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/3ktjvq | Thesis AHE 210395004 |
2017 | 210395008 | 105 | 劉怡秀 | Yi-Xiu Liu | 藝術融入品格教育之研究─以「社團法人臺北市基督教活水江河全人關懷協會」為例 | The Study on the Integration of Arts and Character Education – An Example of ” Taipei Christian Living Waters Wholistic Care Association “ | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/827784 | Thesis AHE 210395008 |
2017 | 210395010 | 105 | 吳採瑄 | Tsai-Hsuan Wu | 客家味緒:關係美學作為藝術教育實踐 | Hakka Cuisine: Relational Aesthetics as An Art Education Practice | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/7m2ng3 | Thesis AHE 210395010 |
2017 | 210395014 | 107 | 楊潤彥 | Jun-Yen Yang | 大學國樂相關科系學生音樂學習經驗之研究 | A Study on Music Learning Experiences of the University Students in the Department of Chinese Music | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/8vtbj5 | Thesis AHE 210395014 |
2017 | 210396006 | 105 | 葉郁薰 | Yu-Hsun Yeh | 探究國中教師表演藝術研習計畫對藝文領域教師美感教育之影響 | Research on the Effect of Performing Arts Study Project on Arts and Humanities Educators | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/bv7wgp | Thesis AHE 210396006 |
2017 | 210495001 | 105 | 曾品璇 | Pin-Hsuan Tseng | 教學卓越再省思:從情感經驗探討教學間性 | Rethinking Teaching for Excellence:The Milieu to Teaching and Learning through Emotional Experiences | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/9v58jn | Thesis AHE 210495001 |
2017 | 210495005 | 105 | 蔡昕璋 | Hsin-Chang Tsai | 社區大學教師教學知能、美感素養與教學工作滿意度之關係研究:以臺北市社區大學為例 | The Correlated Factors with Pedagogical Knowledge, Aesthetic Competence and Job Satisfaction of Community Colleges Teachers – Based on Data from Community Colleges of Taipei | 余昕晏 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/p44436 | Thesis AHE 210495005 |
2017 | 210495016 | 105 | 鄭佩欣 | Pui-Yan Cheng | 探討混齡兒童進入戲劇場域對「經驗」藝術知識之建構 | Exploration on Mixed-age Children Engaged in Drama to Construct the Knowledge through Arts | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/mmbdv6 | Thesis AHE 210495016 |
2017 | 210496009 | 105 | 廖元瑄 | Yuan-Hsuan Liao | 社會參與藝術實踐:社區藝術工坊為社區培力之研究 | Social Participation and Arts Practice: A Study of Community Empowerment through Community Arts Workshop | 余昕晏 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/7pxrt3 | Thesis AHE 210496009 |
2016 | 29898017 | 104 | 梁東民 | Tung-Min Liang | 國民中學學生藝術與人文學習領域表演藝術學習成就評量標準之研究 | A Study on the Students” Achievement Assessment on Performing Arts of Arts and Humanities Learning Area in Junior High School | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/vvr6mw | Thesis AHE 29898017 |
2016 | 29898019 | 104 | 李佩貞 | Pei-Jane Lee | 莎翁劇本融入國中表演藝術課程之行動研究─以羅密歐與茱麗葉為例 | An Action Research of Shakespeare Plays Based on Performing Arts Courses at Junior High School: An Example of Romeo and Juliet. | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/yxk4ug | Thesis AHE 29898019 |
2016 | 29995002 | 104 | 成欣欣 | Xin-Xin Cheng | 從經驗出發:探究青少年劇場開發多元智能的可能 | Experiencing Young People”s Theater:Possibilities of Exploring Multiple Intelligences | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/wr2f88 | Thesis AHE 29995002 |
2016 | 29995020 | 104 | 黃阡穗 | Chien-Sui Huang | 視覺藝術教學方案行動研究:藝術家教師的反思實踐 | Artist Teacher as Reflective Practitioner:Action Research on Visual Art Learning Program | 吳慎慎 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/hyh6ky | Thesis AHE 29995020 |
2016 | 210095018 | 104 | 郭盈均 | Ying-Chun Kuo | 回收媒材搞創意:媒材探索與兒童創造力之研究 | Recycled Materials into Art:An Exploration in Materials and Children’s Creativity | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/7myr72 | Thesis AHE 210095018 |
2016 | 210195013 | 104 | 楊淑茹 | Shu-Ju Yang | 傳統生命 青春再飛揚─國中京劇基礎動作創意教學的實踐與反思 | Traditional Arts Re-perform ― A Case Study of Teaching Chinese Opera Movement Creatively in Junior High School | 林劭仁/ 張中煖 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/3qzq7t | Thesis AHE 210195013 |
2016 | 210295001 | 104 | 張譯心 | Yih-Shin Jang | 畫畫的房間:以藝術教育治療作為泛自閉症兒童創作歷程之研究 | The Room of Drawing – Arts Making Process In Art Education Therapy for Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/7mdrm3 | Thesis AHE 210295001 |
2016 | 210295005 | 105 | 楊佳穎 | Chia-Ying Yang | 立「誌」做自己:認同生成的N堂課 | Zine Yourself: A Semester of Identity-building and Self-becoming | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/c36gh2 | Thesis AHE 210295005 |
2016 | 210295006 | 104 | 張軒瑋 | Hsien-Wei Chang | 國際志工服務團隊發展歷程之研究-以北藝大「柬單夢想」藝術教育營為例 | The Study of the Developing Process of International Volunteer Group :A Case Study of TNUA-Cambodia Education Arts Camp | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/7796nn | Thesis AHE 210295006 |
2016 | 210295008 | 104 | 謝婷婷 | Ting-Ting Hsieh | 莊敬夥房:參與式藝術作為一種教育實踐 | Jhuang-Jing Kitchen : Participatory Art as An Educational Practice | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/gs6gyk | Thesis AHE 210295008 |
2016 | 210295012 | 104 | 黎凡華 | Fan-Hua Li | 結合環境教育引導兒童藝術創作歷程之研究—以米倉國小為例 | Exploring Community to Foster Children Creative Arts Appreciation—- The Case of Micang Elementary School | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/sg6a9j | Thesis AHE 210295012 |
2016 | 210295013 | 104 | 張淑敏 | Shu-min Chang | 藝術對話課程提升老人幸福感之研究:藝術對話課程提升老人幸福感之研究:以臺北市文山區○○老人安養護中心為例 | Arts Dialogue Courses to Promote the Happiness of the Elders: A Case Study on the Nursing Home in Wenshan District, Taipei | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/z23gk9 | Thesis AHE 210295013 |
2016 | 210295015 | 105 | 蔡佳君 | Chia-Chun Tsai | 創造性舞蹈對高齡者身體知覺再現影響之研究 | The Effects of Creative Dance on the Re-emergence of Bodily Perception in the Elderly | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/a9n92c | Thesis AHE 210295015 |
2016 | 210396002 | 103 | 呂依庭 | Yi-Ting Lu | 音樂療育課程對身心障礙生注意力影響之研究:以高職綜合職能科為例 | A research about The Effect of Music therapy curriculum on attention for The Disabilities : Example For Vocational high school Student with intellectual disabilit | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/957576 | Thesis AHE 210396002 |
2016 | 210396011 | 104 | 許家倫 | Chia-Lun Hsu | 環境教育對學生多元智能發展之研究,以坪頂國小藝術與人文課程為例 | Environmental Education Effects Elementary Students’ Multiple Intelligences Development:A Case Study of Pingding Elementary School Arts and Humanities Curriculum | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/9ahd59 | Thesis AHE 210396011 |
2015 | 29995009 | 103 | 賴依婷 | Yi-Ting Lai | 傑出身心障礙者在藝術學習歷程之敘說研究-以一位口足畫家為例 | A Narrative Research Of The Arts Learning Process Of OutstanDAng DAsabled People – Using A Mouth And Foot Painting Artist As An Example | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/k35ufu | Thesis AHE 29995009 |
2015 | 210095005 | 103 | 謝宜潔 | Yi-Chieh Hsieh | 社群本位取向之「長壽茶桌藝術方案」─高齡者生命經驗回顧與空間意義探尋 | Community-Based Arts Learning Program at Chang-Shou-Hao : Investigating on Elders’ Life Experience and Meanings of Space | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/akr822 | Thesis AHE 210095005 |
2015 | 210095012 | 104 | 鄭淳方 | Chun-Fang Cheng | 藝術「活化」教室—對話性的教學實踐 | Arts Revival Classroom: Practice of Teaching through Interaction | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/d5vftx | Thesis AHE 210095012 |
2015 | 210095013 | 103 | 陳瑩潔 | Ying-Chieh CHEN | 教師透過電影學習之敘說探究 | A Study of Teachers’ Narratives on Learning through Films | 吳慎慎 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/csam7h | Thesis AHE 210095013 |
2015 | 210095014 | 103 | 周文婷 | Wen-Ting Chou | 創作性戲劇策略融入性別平等教育:以國中八年級表演藝術課程為例 | Applying Creative Drama Strategy in Gender Equity Education:Case Study on the 8th Grade Performing Arts Course | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/mckeq5 | Thesis AHE 210095014 |
2015 | 210095017 | 103 | 謝愛昀 | Ai-Yin Cheah | 第56號教室之教學策略融入馬來西亞華文獨立中學美術課程之可能性:以吉華獨立中學為例 | An Exploration of Applying Room 56’s Guiding Principles on Keat Hwa High School Art Classes | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/9g4339 | Thesis AHE 210095017 |
2015 | 210195004 | 103 | 杜孟純 | Meng-Chun Tu | 學習共同體於高中音樂課程之實踐─以臺灣搖滾樂為例 | Applying Learning Community in Music Curriculum of Senior High School :A Case Study of Taiwan Rock and Roll | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/8894jy | Thesis AHE 210195004 |
2015 | 210195007 | 104 | 盧函庭 | Han-Ting Lu | 原住民文化融入表演藝術課程對國中生族群態度影響之研究 | The Influence of Taiwan Aboriginal Culture in Performing Art Curriculum upon Students’ Ethnic Attitudes | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/243pw2 | Thesis AHE 210195007 |
2015 | 210195008 | 103 | 朱筱琪 | Hsiao-Chi Chu | 參與式藝術行動計畫之實踐與反思-以新屋藝家人為例 | The Practice and Reflection of a Participatory Art Project | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/9r8832 | Thesis AHE 210195008 |
2015 | 210195009 | 103 | 周翊涵 | Yi-Han Chou | 視障者的非視覺藝術創作體驗與學習之探究 | The Different “View”:The Research on Non-Visual Art Experience and Learning of the Visual Impaired | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/u6wz74 | Thesis AHE 210195009 |
2014 | 29795003 | 104 | 王暉翔 | Hui-Hsiang Wang | 生命教育融入表演藝術課程對於國中生命意義影響之研究 | A Study of Life Meaning on the Incorporation of Life Education and the Performing Arts Curriculum of Junior High School | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/68626q | Thesis AHE 29795003 |
2014 | 29895014 | 102 | 簡婉如 | Wan-Ju Chien | 臺北市國小高年級學生表演藝術課程與活動實施情形之研究 | A Study on the Implementation of Performing Arts Curriculum and Activities on the 5th and 6th Grade Students in Taipei City | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/st35w6 | Thesis AHE 29895014 |
2014 | 29995014 | 102 | 郭怡女勻 | Yi-Chun Kuo | 國高中音樂教師專業評鑑之研究-以新北市為例 | The Study of evaluation of teaching profession of music teachers for junior high and senior high schools—Case in New Taipei city. | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/w28gsr | Thesis AHE 29995014 |
2014 | 29995016 | 103 | 許惠茹 | Hui-Ju Hsu | 「有溫度的camera」藝術創作體驗:國小弱勢學童的社群學習 | 「Warming Exploration with a Camera」for Disadvantaged Students: Learning Arts in the Community | 吳慎慎 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/8bwp5m | Thesis AHE 29995016 |
2014 | 210095001 | 102 | 徐孟利 | Meng-Li Hsu | 華德福教育性戲劇課程之「轉化」意涵 及教師實踐歷程探究 | The “Transformation” of Pedagogical Theater in Waldorf Schools and the Practice Process of Teachers | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/6zkjzg | Thesis AHE 210095001 |
2014 | 210095002 | 103 | 黃薰平 | Shiun-Ping Huang | 社群本位藝術教育在農村的實踐與反思:以臺東縣電光社區為例 | Practice and Reflection on the Community-Based Arts Education in Rural Area: A Case Study of Dian-Guang Community | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/nvetw7 | Thesis AHE 210095002 |
2014 | 210095004 | 102 | 鄭夙雅 | Su-Ya Cheng | 面對他者:談藝術家的恐懼 | Facing Others:the Fears of Artists | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/jmd248 | Thesis AHE 210095004 |
2014 | 210095007 | 102 | 柯佳佑 | Chia-Yu Ko | 歡迎來我家:以參與式藝術創作探究社區本位藝術教育實踐 | Welcome to My Home:Exploring Community-Based Art Education through Participatory Art Practice | 吳岱融 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/74y9xc | Thesis AHE 210095007 |
2014 | 210095009 | 102 | 陳姿恩 | Tzu-En Chen | 表演藝術團隊專業知能輔導之研究-以嘉義縣表演藝術輔導團隊為例 | Research on Professional Competency Counseling to Performing Arts Groups – A Case Study in Chiayi County | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/fkv2b9 | Thesis AHE 210095009 |
2014 | 210095011 | 102 | 陳齊奐 | Qi-Huan Tan | 展演性的博物館:景美人權文化園區課程文本探究 | Performing the Museum: Exploring the Curriculum Text of Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Cultural Park | 吳慎慎 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/f9232s | Thesis AHE 210095011 |
2013 | 29595014 | 101 | 李孟穎 | Meng-Ying Lee | 以慣例方法實踐九年一貫課程戲劇教育雙重教育目標之研究 | A Study of Referring the Dual Educational Goals of Drama Education in Grade 1-9 Curriculum to Conventions Approach | 陳韻文 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/w45zj8 | Thesis AHE 29595014 |
2013 | 29595015 | 101 | 黃玉倩 | Shaw-Ren Lin | 澎湖縣兒童音樂劇的耕耘者-王正芸及其兒童音樂劇作品研究 | A Contributor to Children”s Musical in Penghu County-Wang, Cheng-yun and Her Works of Children”s Musical | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/cmr47q | Thesis AHE 29595015 |
2013 | 29795006 | 101 | 劉雯怡 | Wen-I Liu | DBAE應用於國中表演藝術課程方案設計與實踐—以現代舞為例 | Curriculum Design of Performing Arts in the Junior High School Base on DBAE—A Case Study of Modern Dance | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/t98rh6 | Thesis AHE 29795006 |
2013 | 29795011 | 101 | 周芝卉 | Chih-Hui Chou | 道與藝:一位小學表演藝術教師追尋自我與專業之敘說探究 | Dao and Arts:A narrative inquiry of an arts teacher in search of self identity and professional development | 陳韻文 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/9pg6mk | Thesis AHE 29795011 |
2013 | 29898004 | 101 | 陳奕璇 | Yi-Hsuan Chen | 原住民舞樂學習與文化展演對學生文化認同影響之研究-以新北市樟樹國中「原住民藝文表演社」為例 | The Influence of Learning and Performing Indigenous Dance and Music on Students'Cultural Identity-Taking Indigenous Arts Performance Club in Jhangshu Junior High School in New-Taipei city as an example | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/sb8zhy | Thesis AHE 29898004 |
2013 | 29898013 | 101 | 鄭巧靈 | Chiao-Ling Cheng | 國民中學偶戲教育學習成效之研究 以全國學生創意偶戲比賽為例 | The Learning Effects of the Puppetry education for Junior High Schools in Taiwan:A Case of National Students Competition of Creative Puppetry Art | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/4e6m48 | Thesis AHE 29898013 |
2013 | 29898015 | 102 | 余慧真 | Hui-Chen Yu | 國民中學學生視覺藝術課程學習動機與學習滿意度調查-以新竹市為例 | The Survey of Learning Motivation and Learning Satisfaction on the Visual Art Curriculum of Junior High School Students: An Example of Hsinchu City. | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/grzecx | Thesis AHE 29898015 |
2013 | 29995006 | 102 | 許恕寧 | Shu-Ning Hsu | 從批判教育學觀點省思表演藝術跨域課程之行動研究 | Action Research on Cross-domain of Performing Arts based on Critical Pedagogy | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/3gz9ad | Thesis AHE 29995006 |
2013 | 29995010 | 101 | 林欣潔 | Hsin-Chieh Lin | 校園閒置空間引入藝文活動之調查研究—以新北市中小學為例 | A Study of Vacant School Spaces for the Arts Activities -An Example of Elementary Schools and Junior High Schools in New Taipei City | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/uq7f43 | Thesis AHE 29995010 |
2013 | 29995012 | 102 | 劉沛晴 | Pei-Ching LIU | 跨域連結的幼兒藝術學習:奧福教學再探 | An Arts Learning Project for Young Children : Orff Schulwerk Revisited | 吳慎慎 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/73d7h4 | Thesis AHE 29995012 |
2013 | 210095003 | 102 | 蔡佳穎 | Jia-Ying Cai | 透過藝術的語言教育在華德福學校實踐之研究 | The Realization of Language Education through Art in Waldorf Schools | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/6392b4 | Thesis AHE 210095003 |
2013 | 210095006 | 101 | 羅月卿 | Lo,Yueh-Ching | 資訊科技融入國中視覺藝術創新課程之研究 | Applying the Information Technology on Innovative Curriculum of Visual Arts in Junior High School | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/fc65gw | Thesis AHE 210095006 |
2012 | 29595008 | 100 | 王藁賢 | Gao-Shyan Wang | 視覺藝術教育在國民中學補校之研究 :以台北市立內湖國中為例 | A Visual Arts Education Study of Night School:On the Night School of Neihu Junior High School | 廖仁義 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/a2u5tc | Thesis AHE 29595008 |
2012 | 29695004 | 100 | 歐蕙瑜 | Hui-Yu Ou | 基隆市國民中學表演藝術教學實施現況之研究 | A Study on Current Implementation of Junior High School Performing Arts Instruction in Keelung City | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/49587p | Thesis AHE 29695004 |
2012 | 29695007 | 100 | 涂繼方 | Chi-Fang Tu | 穿越三層故事:臺北市河堤國小演/教員社群之實踐 | Throughout the Three Stages:The Community of Actor/teachers in the Taipei City Embankment Elementary School | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/v72abz | Thesis AHE 29695007 |
2012 | 29695012 | 100 | 吳靜美 | WU, Chin-Mei | 視障者的視覺藝術經驗: 以僕域公益文化創意中心之羊毛氈課程為主題 | A Study on Visual Art Experience of the Visually-impaired:The Practice of Feltwork Course in Pu-Yu Culture Creativity Center | 廖仁義 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/huf453 | Thesis AHE 29695012 |
2012 | 29695014 | 100 | 段世珍 | Shih-Chen Tuan | 後設認知策略在國中視覺藝術教學應用之研究 | The Research of Metacognitive Strategy Applied to Visual Art Teaching in Junior High School | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/nz73j9 | Thesis AHE 29695014 |
2012 | 29795004 | 100 | 魏利庭 | Li-Ting Wei | 應用戲劇教學於國中視覺藝術課程之研究 | A Study of Applying Drama Strategy in Secondary Visual Arts Curriculum | 陳韻文 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/6a25uc | Thesis AHE 29795004 |
2012 | 29795010 | 100 | 楊亞璇 | Ya-Hsuan Yang | Freire對話論融入教育戲劇–以國小一年級為例 | Integration of Freire”s Dialogism into Drama in Education–Examplified by Pupils First Grade | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/gjq4nn | Thesis AHE 29795010 |
2012 | 29795014 | 100 | 張明芳 | Ming-Fang Chang | 創造思考教學融入表演藝術課程對學生創造力影響之研究 | The Influence of Creative Thinking Teaching in Performing Arts Curriculum on Students’ Creativity | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/r473w8 | Thesis AHE 29795014 |
2012 | 29895001 | 100 | 黃湘芸 | Huang, Hsiang-Yun | 美術館教育推廣策略之分析與研究-以新北市國民小學高年級學生觀點為例 | The Study of the Promotion Strategies of Museum Education: The Perspectives of Senior Elementary School Students in New Taipei City | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/f7d3dw | Thesis AHE 29895001 |
2012 | 29895002 | 100 | 吳盈潔 | Ying-Chieh Wu | 「美術鑑賞」通識課程之對話藝術創作學習探究 | Learning through Dialogical Arts Practice in a GE Class | 吳慎慎 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/27kb3y | Thesis AHE 29895002 |
2012 | 29895004 | 101 | 張紋佩 | Wen-Pei Chang | 從實驗電影談分眾藝術教育: 以黃亞歷的《物的追尋》、《待以名之的事物》為例 | Experimental Cinema and Art Education:Case Study on Huang Ya Li’s “The Pursuit of What Was” and “The Unnamed” | 余昕晏 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/f27k6m | Thesis AHE 29895004 |
2012 | 29895005 | 100 | 馮筱媛 | Hsiao-Yuan Feng | 服務學習課程評鑑之研究—以國立臺北藝術大學師資生為例 | A Study of curriculum evaluation of service-learning:An Example of Taipei National University of the Arts | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/w49v8d | Thesis AHE 29895005 |
2012 | 29895006 | 100 | 張祐甄 | Yu-Chen Chang | 音樂學院學生表演焦慮舒緩策略與表演焦慮程度之關係研究 ─以國立臺北藝術大學為例 | The Research on the Relationship among the Strategy to Relieve the Performance Anxiety and the Performance Anxiety for the Students of the Music College- A case study in Taipei National University of the Arts | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/5saws4 | Thesis AHE 29895006 |
2012 | 29895009 | 100 | 羅盈嘉 | Ying-Jia Lou | 問題導向式學習融入高中視覺藝術課程對學生批判思考能力影響之研究 | The Influence of Problem-Based Learning integrated into Visual Arts Curriculum on Senior High School Students” Critical Thinking Ability | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/tr6wj4 | Thesis AHE 29895009 |
2012 | 29895010 | 100 | 陳依秀 | Yi-Hsuu Chen | 社區藝文活動探討居民生活美學經驗,以樹梅坑溪環境藝術行動為例 | To Explore the Aesthetic Experience of Community People by Arts Activities :A Case Study in Plum Tree Creek | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/8du3n3 | Thesis AHE 29895010 |
2012 | 29895011 | 100 | 黃靖嵐(靜蘭) | Ching-Lan Huang | 舞動敦煌˙自在生命—成人自我導向舞蹈學習之研究 | Dancing Dunhuang – A Study of Self-Directed Adult Dance Learning | 余盺晏 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/c2h45n | Thesis AHE 29895011 |
2012 | 29895015 | 100 | 王予涓 | Yu-Chuan Wang | 瑜伽教學之行動研究-以國小學童為例 | Action Research on Yoga Teaching – for ElementarySchool Children | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/45qbrp | Thesis AHE 29895015 |
2012 | 29898001 | 100 | 蕭萓葇 | Yi-Jou Hsiao | 國中創意偶戲實施過程的自我探究與學生學習表現: 以台北市桃源國中偶戲團為例 | The Implementation of Creative Puppetry Process and Students” Learning Performance:Using Taipei City Taoyan Junior High School Puppetry Groups as Example | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/nfz727 | Thesis AHE 29898001 |
2012 | 29898007 | 100 | 李祈慧 | CHI-HUI, LI | 教育戲劇融入英語溝通式教學觀之課程實踐 | Integrating “Drama in Education” (DIE) into the English Course of Communicative Language Teaching Approach | 容淑華 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/76537h | Thesis AHE 29898007 |
2012 | 29898008 | 100 | 楊麗芬 | Li-Fen Yang | 「我形 我塑」-教師專業認同之敘說探究 | I shape I mold : A narrative inquiry of teachers’ professional identity | 顏淑惠 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/98z3wh | Thesis AHE 29898008 |
2012 | 29898010 | 100 | 鍾宛婷 | Wan-Ting Chung | 視覺思考融入國中視覺藝術教學之行動研究─以畢卡索作品為例 | An Action Research of Visual Art Teaching Based on Visual Thinking on Junior High School : An Example of Picasso’s Works. | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/3d69up | Thesis AHE 29898010 |
2012 | 29898011 | 100 | 戴伶倫 | Ling-Lun Tai | 國民中學管樂團團隊效能之研究 | A Study of the Team Effectiveness of the Junior High Bands | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/9mwhf4 | Thesis AHE 29898011 |
2012 | 29898012 | 100 | 林秋伶 | Chiu – Lin Lin | 國民中小學音樂班學生多元智能與學習風格之相關研究-以苗栗縣為例 | A Study on the Correlation between Multiple Intelligence and Learning Style of Students of Music Class in Primary and Secondary School in Miaoli | 閻自安/ 謝傳崇 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/3h6k4a | Thesis AHE 29898012 |
2012 | 29898014 | 100 | 張慧如 | Hui-Ju Chang | 藝術與人文學習領域素養指標實施成效之研究-以桃園縣國中小為例 | A Study on the Effectiveness of Arts and Humanities Learning Area Literacy Indicators-A Case Study of Elementary and Junior High Schools in Taoyuan County | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/2b3bz6 | Thesis AHE 29898014 |
2012 | 29898016 | 100 | 曾詠翔 | Yung-Hsiang Tseng | 流行音樂樂團課程改善國中高關懷學生學習態度之研究 | A Study on Guiding the high-cared students to improve their learning attitude by using the popular music band lesson | 顏淑惠 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/enk6dn | Thesis AHE 29898016 |
2012 | 29898018 | 100 | 黃寶慧 | Huang, Pao-Hui | 繪本融入國中表演藝術課程之行動研究:以新北市一所國中為例 | An Action Research on Applying Picture Book into Performing Arts Curriculum: Taking a Junior High School in New Taipei City as an Example | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/pn5bt9 | Thesis AHE 29898018 |
2012 | 29898020 | 100 | 張鳳丹 | Feng-Tan Chang | 繪本設計教學提升國中生品格力之行動研究 | An Action Research of Designing Picture Books Teaching to Enhance Junior High School Students’Character Competence | 顏淑惠 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/qeqq74 | Thesis AHE 29898020 |
2012 | 29995007 | 100 | 陳筱安 | Siao-An Chen | 藝術人進入社區:對話性藝術創作的實踐與反思 | Practicing Dialogical Arts: Fine Art Students’Learning in Community | 吳慎慎 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/83yyrn | Thesis AHE 29995007 |
2012 | 29995008 | 100 | 張舒安 | Shu-An Chang | 藝術服務學習方案發展之研究─以花東青少年藝術創作營為例 | The Study of the Arts Service-Learning Program:A Case Study of Taitung Youth Arts Camp | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/ava7xd | Thesis AHE 29995008 |
2012 | 29995018 | 100 | 黎詩雅 | Si- Nga Lai | 工業設計系學生成為設計師的學習經驗敘說 | Becoming a Designer: The Learning Experience of Industrial Design Students | 吳慎慎 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/zq3q5d | Thesis AHE 29995018 |
2011 | 29595005 | 99 | 陳芷芸 | CHEN, TZU-YUN | 國民中學音樂教師臺灣傳統音樂知能之研究 –以臺北市與新北市為例 | A Study on the Taiwan Traditional Music knowledge of Music Teacher at Junior High School An Example of Taipei City and New Taipei City | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/ry42zt | Thesis AHE 29595005 |
2011 | 29595006 | 99 | 林宜燕 | I-Yan Lin | 藝術專業與民眾參與的辯證—「台北捷運中山站公共藝術設置案」的探討 | The Dialectic of Art and Public—A Case Study of Public Art Project in Taipei City | 陳其南 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/5hr3vg | Thesis AHE 29595006 |
2011 | 29595010 | 99 | 黃勤雅 | Chin-Ya Huang | 國中表演藝術課程實施檔案評量之行動研究 | An action research on portfolio assessment applyingto performing arts classes of junior high school | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/93s24u | Thesis AHE 29595010 |
2011 | 29695002 | 99 | 許嘉利 | Chia-Li Hsu | 傳統民間節日飲食文化:祖母的煮食 | Studies on Grandmother’s Traditional Festival Cooking | 阮昌銳/ 廖仁義 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/hr9ey9 | Thesis AHE 29695002 |
2011 | 29695003 | 99 | 賴昱璇 | Yu-Hsuan Lai | 創造性舞蹈引導國中生自我認同之行動研究 | The Action Research of Creative Dance to Lead Junior High School Students” Self-identity | 平珩 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/7k88mt | Thesis AHE 29695003 |
2011 | 29695005 | 99 | 張婉鈞 | Wan-Chun Chang | 合作學習融入表演藝術課程對學生人際關係影響之研究-以八年級為例 | The Influence of Cooperative Learning Method in Performing Arts Curriculum upon Students” Interpersonal Relationship: A Case Study of Eighth Graders | 平珩 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/8xy3ad | Thesis AHE 29695005 |
2011 | 29795001 | 99 | 陳雅惠 | Chen, Ya-Hui | 大學生多元智能與統合心智關係之研究 | A Study of the Relationship between Multiple Intelligences and Synthesizing Mind for College Students | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/u9u7jd | Thesis AHE 29795001 |
2011 | 29795002 | 99 | 周璟筠 | Ching-Yun Chou | 台北當代藝術館David LaChapelle個展觀眾自我導向學習傾向與總體學習成果之研究 | A Case Study of Visitors’ Self-Directed Learning Readiness and Generic Learning Outcomes of David LaChapelle Exhibition in MOCA, Taipei | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/t876er | Thesis AHE 29795002 |
2011 | 29795005 | 99 | 陳曉然 | Hsiao-Jan Chen | 青年觀眾參與展覽相關教育活動的學習經驗 —以台北當代藝術館週末工作坊為例 | A Case Study on the Youth Visitors’ Learning Experiences of the Display-Related Workshops at the Taipei Museum of Contemporary Art | 陳佳利 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/t9ktbd | Thesis AHE 29795005 |
2011 | 29795012 | 99 | 周芊伶 | Chien-Ling Chou | 在關係中學習—台灣社區劇場工作者經驗探究 | Learning in Relationship: Experiences of Community Theatre Practitioners in Taiwan | 陳韻文 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/2g3are | Thesis AHE 29795012 |
2011 | 29795013 | 99 | 鄧玉真 | Yu-Chun Tang | 童話故事融入國小音樂課程之行動研究 | An Action Research on Music Curriculum Integration with Fairy Tales at the Elementary Shools | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/qr9zqm | Thesis AHE 29795013 |
2011 | 29895008 | 99 | 張益源 | Yi-Yuan Chang | 藝術進入社區之探討─以桃園縣新屋鄉、觀音鄉及龍潭鄉為例 | A case study of Arts into the community of Shinwu Township, Guanyin Township and Longtan Township in Taoyuan County | 余昕晏 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/tzsz3w | Thesis AHE 29895008 |
2011 | 29895012 | 99 | 劉齡予 | Lin-yu Liu | 美術館多元智能學習之探究─以高中生參觀當代藝術展覽為探討 | Learning through Multiple Intelligences: A Case Study of High School Students” Visit in the Contemporary Art Exhibitions | 陳佳利 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/8yt37e | Thesis AHE 29895012 |
2011 | 29898002 | 99 | 鍾素惠 | Su-Hui Chung | 創造思考教學策略提升平面廣告影像解讀能力之行動研究 | An Action Research of Applying Creative Thinking Teaching Strategies to Interpret Images in Print Advertising | 顏淑惠 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/x9ph2y | Thesis AHE 29898002 |
2011 | 29898003 | 99 | 洪千蕙 | Chien-Hui Hung | 國中表演藝術教師參與專業學習社群以提升專業成長之成效研究 -以高雄市為例 | The Effectiveness of Professional Development of Junior High School Performing Arts Teachers Participating in Professional Learning Community: the Case of Kaohsiung City | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/5n75a5 | Thesis AHE 29898003 |
2011 | 29898005 | 99 | 劉靖韻 | Ching-Yun Liu | 『武蹈』:以中國武術為主題發展之創造性舞蹈教學研究 | Wu Dao: Teaching Creative Dance Based on Chinese Martial Arts | 張中煖/ 余昕晏 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/4hekjf | Thesis AHE 29898005 |
2011 | 29898006 | 99 | 劉俊傑 | Chun-Chien Liu | 宜蘭縣國中學生家庭社經地位對音樂學習情形影響之研究 | A Study of the Effects of Music Learning Conditions Based on Yilan County Junior High School Student’s Socioeconomic Status | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/79zkbb | Thesis AHE 29898006 |
2011 | 29995004 | 100 | 洪嘉敏 | Chia-Ming Hong | 學科本位藝術教學策略在國中書法教育之應用研究 | Action Research: Teaching Chinese Calligraphy through the Arts | 林保堯/ 顏淑惠 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/sqe7qj | Thesis AHE 29995004 |
2010 | 29595001 | 98 | 范雅筑 | Ya-Chu Fan | 音樂融入國中英語口說教學之行動研究 | An Action Research of Applying Music Elements on English Oral Speaking Teaching | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/3bbm2g | Thesis AHE 29595001 |
2010 | 29595004 | 98 | 邱羨嘉 | Hsien-Chia Chiu | 資訊科技融入藝文領域教學與教師創新教學表現之研究-以桃園縣國中藝術與人文領域教師為例 | A Study of Integrating Information Technology into Arts and Humanities Fields and Teaching Innovation | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/z74n5v | Thesis AHE 29595004 |
2010 | 29695008 | 98 | 譚家欣 | Tan , Chia-Hsin | 從激進到戲謔-台灣觀念藝術批判意識的轉向 | From Radical to Parody - The Turning of Conceptual Art in Taiwan | 廖仁義 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/3cmn6g | Thesis AHE 29695008 |
2010 | 29695009 | 98 | 李怡慧 | Lee, Yi-Hui | 符號學方法在博物館導覽解說應用之探究以北投文物館為例 | Reflection on the Application of Semiological Method to Museum Guide Interpretation-A Case Study of Taiwan Folk Arts Museum | 廖仁義 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/nmdv83 | Thesis AHE 29695009 |
2010 | 29695010 | 98 | 林侑萱 | Yu-Hsuan Lin | 視覺藝術課程影響國中生自我概念之行動研究–以「我的個性自畫像」單元為例 | An Action Research on a Visual Arts Program that Affects Self-concept of Junior High School Students:A Study Case of “Self-Portrait of My Personality” | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/nfw9aq | Thesis AHE 29695010 |
2010 | 29695011 | 98 | 林衍均 | Yen-Chun Lin | 邁向審美關懷之路-建置視覺藝術教學檔案部落格之行動研究 | Heading to the Road of Aesthetic Caring: Action Research in Constructing a Teaching-Portfolio Blog for Visual Art Education | 羅美蘭/ 廖仁義 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/hv62gr | Thesis AHE 29695011 |
2010 | 29690515 | 98 | 邱雅貞 | Ya-Chen Chiu | 景文高中優人表演藝術班的藝術教育實踐 | The Arts Education Practice of the U-theater Performing Arts Class in Taipei Jingwen High School | 廖仁義 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/u5xw44 | Thesis AHE 29695015 |
2010 | 29795009 | 98 | 沈家如 | Chai-Ju Shen | 黑翅揚起-新觀《天鵝湖》之黑天鵝角色的可能性 | Re-investigating the Role of Odile in Swan Lake | 林亞婷 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/2v85wn | Thesis AHE 29795009 |
2009 | 29595002 | 97 | 賴旻宜 | Min-Yi Lai | 台中市國民中學學生音樂智慧之研究 | A Study for Students’ Musical Intelligence of Junior High Schools in Taichung | 閻自安 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/dc99e9 | Thesis AHE 29595002 |
2009 | 29595003 | 97 | 陳泓霖 | Hung-Lin Chen | 師資生參與服務學習對學習態度影響之研究-以國立臺北藝術大學為例 | A Study on the Influence of Service-Learning on Students” Learning Attitude of Teacher Education:An Example of Taipei National University of the Arts | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/nm5x8r | Thesis AHE 29595003 |
2009 | 29595007 | 97 | 謝佩君 | Pei-Chun Hsieh | 以天母水道祭為例論社區取向藝術教育之實踐 | The Practice of Community-Based Art Education in Tianmu Water Canal Festival | 平珩 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/hgr88s | Thesis AHE 29595007 |
2009 | 29595009 | 97 | 張佳薇 | Chia-Wei Chang | Our Place:對話取向的藝術與人文教學實踐 | “Our Place”: A dialogical practice in visual art classrooms | 吳慎慎 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/atuw77 | Thesis AHE 29595009 |
2009 | 29595011 | 97 | 郭宗德 | Tsung-Te Kuo | 視覺文化教學融入國小高年級攝影教學之行動研究 | An Action Research of A Photography Course in the Fifth-sixth Grades via Visual Culture Instruction | 林劭仁 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/j6wk87 | Thesis AHE 29595011 |
2009 | 29595012 | 98 | 史寧琪 | Ning- Chi Shih | 主體互動下的視覺藝術課:以讀者反應理論及巴赫汀早期美學論述國中生的詮釋行為 | Learning Visual Arts through Intersubjectivity : An Account on Theories from Mihail Baktin and Reader Response for Art Interpretations of Junior High School Students | 林宏璋 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/7m2cvs | Thesis AHE 29595012 |
2009 | 29595013 | 97 | 潘燕貞 | Yen-Chen Pan | 社區管樂之組訓與發展-以城韻管樂團為例 | The management and development of community wind orchestraCase study for ChengYun Wind Orchestra | 郭聯昌 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/p6ghn8 | Thesis AHE 29595013 |